There are many wonderful things about living out in the country. Beautiful views. Peace and quiet. Seeing the stars at night.
There are some not so great things about living in the country. No place to just grab a gallon of milk…or a box of Hot Tamales. Cows wandering through your yard. Yes. Yes they do.
And no Anthropologie. Which makes it hard when you start coveting the cute littlechalkboard spice jars everyone starts posting on Pinterest and Instagram and Facebook.
Since these little suckers are pricey enough all on their own, there was no way I was going to order them online and add shipping costs to the already hefty little price tag. So, I decided to see if I could make a knock-off version.
Here’s what you’ll need to make some for yourself:
Spray several light coats of White Dual Primer & Paint Spray paint on jars until thoroughly covered. Allow to Dry.
Brush on several light coats of chalkboard paint onto labels, allowing to dry thoroughly between coats.
(If desired) Apply pattern to lids using Elmer’s glue and allow to dry thoroughly.
With acrylic paint of choice, paint each lid with several light coats of paint until desired coverage.
Spray jars and lids with light coat of acrylic spray paint and allow to dry thoroughly.
Attach chalkboard labels to jars. Use glue if necessary for a stronger adhesion.
Brush on several light coats of chalkboard paint onto labels, allowing to dry thoroughly between coats.
(If desired) Apply pattern to lids using Elmer’s glue and allow to dry thoroughly.
With acrylic paint of choice, paint each lid with several light coats of paint until desired coverage.
Spray jars and lids with light coat of acrylic spray paint and allow to dry thoroughly.
Attach chalkboard labels to jars. Use glue if necessary for a stronger adhesion.
I really love how they turned out! I probably will stick to using them for odd and ends and not actually spices…but I think they are just so cute!
Anthropologie Chalkboard Spice Jars: $10-12
DIY Anthropologie Inspired Chalkboard Spice Jars: approx. $3
DIY Anthropologie Inspired Chalkboard Spice Jars: approx. $3
I’ll keep them around to remind me not to let a little inconvenience like living in the middle of nowhere, keep me from having the cute things that I see…I’ll just DIY them! Think I could DIY some Hot Tamales. 