It’s always the same…. the simple things work best!!! Judging from the reaction to this craft already on Instagram I think this will be a popular craft for girls this summer.
I can never get enough of simple toilet roll crafts, such a versatile every day material – no need to get the wallet out for the craft shops, all you need to make these colourful toilet roll bracelets is within your four walls.
Materials to gather
Toilet roll/ kitchen roll cores, wool and sellotape. If you don’t have a craft needle for the weaving part just wrap a little sellotape around the end of the wool to make it easy to weave in and out between the wool strands.
They are so simple to make a tutorial isn’t even necessary but here are a few of the basic steps should you need them.
To start just cut a toilet roll core into three equal slices and depending on the width of your child’s wrist you can start yarn wrapping straight away or cut through the slice before you yarn wrap to give you an expandable bracelet.
I used a little sellotape/clear sticky tape to secure the end of the wool to the inside of the tube before starting, and used a drop of glue at the other end when the wrapping was finished. (glue on the inside of course)
The kids can wear the cuff bracelets as they are, lovely solid blocks of colour, or weave in contrasting wool. Why not have a mix of woven and solid up along your arm, on each arm!!.
Weave any pattern you like, a running stitch like above, a striking X pattern like in the top photograph – let the kids decide and create.